Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Toyota Should Thank Heaven

Big Nickel, Sudbury, Canada
...specifically, for the nickel found in Sudbury Basin which goes into their Prius batteries. The astrobleme released magma from deep underground when a huge meteorite struck the Canadian shield 2 billion or so years ago. Magma, rich in iron, nickel, copper, platinum, palladium, gold and other precious metals back-filled the crater. Workers on the trans-Canadian Railway first discovered the rich deposits. Bucky balls came from the heavens too: link

Van der Krogt has a fascinating tale of nickel's name--devil's copper--which I don't know whether to believe or not: link.

The meteorite's impact must have caused cataclysmic changes in the earth's weather--it's ironic that Toyota seeks to ameliorate modern day effects using the consequences of an earlier cataclysm.


  1. Nickel's definitely an underappreciated metal.

    But my volatile nature endears me to the group 1 metals. Can't help it. I like the shiny and slightly more enduring things too, but a shiny thing that explodes in the universal solvent instead of being pacified by it, well, that's just too cool.

  2. Group IIs are pretty cool too. And a bit more biological. The group Is seem to work to conduct the body's electrical and neural systems; Group IIs are more structural. 'Cept calcium. That's got a wide use in cellular response as well.

    Magnesium is more intracellular than extracellular, as is potassium. I think that's because it associates with DNA, but I'm not entirely sure. It also works as a co-factor in several enzyme systems.

    Ok, enough. I'm beginning to sound like an infomercial.
